Wednesday, November 27, 2019
What to Do When You Make One of These 5 Common Interview Mistakes
What to Do When You Make One of These 5 Common Interview MistakesWhat to Do When You Make One of These 5 Common Interview Mistakes Its leid something we like to reflect on, but the truth is that theres plenty of things that can go wrong when you submit an application and start the bewerbungsbewerbungsinterview process for a new job. But even if the stakes are high, you cant let the fear of making a mistake hold you back theres a wonderful new job out there with your name on it, and the only way to get it is to take a risk, submit the application and do your best in the interview. Only what if you feel like you didnt do your best? Or what if you know for sure that you made a misstep? A Shout wipe will save you from a mistake at lunch, but if you think theres a chance you messed up during the interview process, you need to implement some damage control right away. Heres what Halai Shukran, Director of Talent Management at Viant, Inc. has to say about the five most c ommon interview mistakes she sees when working with prospective job candidates.A huge pain point for recruiters is putting all this work into finding a stellar candidate and scheduling a phone sichtung to feel them out for the role, only for the candidate to miss it, says Shukran. Missing the phone screen and not following up to reschedule shows a lack of professionalism, time management, and follow up, and these are key skills a recruiter looks for when assessing someone for any role.If youve already made this mistake, its not a complete loss follow up with your contact as quickly as possible, take full responsibility for the slip, and explain the mitigating circumstances. Anything less like dismissing it as no big deal or assuming theyll reschedule quickly wont win you any favors (or second chances).Shukran notes that another common interview mistake is sending a bland follow-up note or not following up at all. This causes you to miss out on an enormous opportunity to stand ou t among other prospective hires and more importantly to continue the conversation and build a relationship with your interviewer. If you made this common interview mistake and havent followed up to an interview yet, do so Just make sure its unique to the person with whom you interviewed and shows youre paying attention to the conversation Whenever possible, think back to something an interviewer said about the company and comment on it, or follow up for more information or to share an interesting article tied to the role. A follow-up that showcases whether or not youre a fit shows more interest post-interview than a generic one, remarks Shukran. I know of a candidate that was interviewing with a company, and while they were waiting in the wings to hear back from the recruiter, the company received some good reviews in the press, remarks Shukran. The next morning, the candidate reached out just to say congratulations on the big win. That thoughtful gesture showcased that persons passion for the company and helped that candidate stay top of mind.When a candidate follows up too frequently, I start to wonder about whats going on, says Shukran. Did they get turned down by another company, so theyre latching onto this job? Did they not hear when we said were going through first round of interviews and will get back to them next week? Either theyre not listening or theyre too aggressive, and either way thats a turnoff. Aside from chilling out and stepping back, you cant recover from too much follow up. Your best bet is to learn your lesson and apply a more moderate approach to following your next interview (or better yet, ask your interviewer what the follow-up schedule looks like and act accordingly). If you think thats harsh, consider this interviewers know that how you follow up to interview is how youll follow up with customers and co-workers on the job An aggressive level of follow up concerns me because its a preview of what that person will be like as part of a team, explains Shukran. Im thinking, If this person is working with another stakeholder on a project or deadline, they might not be cognizant or respectful of what the other persons time line is. If it seems like asking questions at the end of an interview is optional, Shukran wants to be clear that its not An interview is more of a conversation than anything else, she says. When youre really listening in an interview and having an insightful conversation, you have an opportunity to dig deeper. If youre not asking questions, it shows a lack of interest and passion.If you find yourself in the middle of an interview and you really cant think of any questions, its OK to ask to circle back with questions later. Not everyone can think on their feet, Shukran says. When youre still in the moment and you cant think of any questions, its OK to say, This is a lot of info to digest, Id like to think through the questions and follow up by email. That would show me a strong sense of self-awareness that you know youre not the person to think on your feet but you know what you need to do to get the job done.If you didnt ask questions in the interview, all is not lost. The next time youre in touch with your interviewer whether thats a scheduled follow-up call or a check-in a week or two after your interview ask if its possible to take them up on their offer to ask questions and include a few thoughtful ones in your email. The best way to impress a recruiter or hiring manager is to do your research in advance of the interview that means doing your due diligence and reading the companys website, performing a web search for articles mentioning the company or recent press releases, and reviewing all interview-related email correspondence.I work in ad tech, so whats always very impressive to me is when candidates come in from outside our industry with a strong understanding of the business , says Shukran. There may be gaps or mistakes in how theyre addressing wh at we do, but whether they have the details right or not, it shows me that they have a strong passion for the potential opportunity and a strategic, business-oriented way of thinking.This is yet another common interview mistake where the best approach is a preventative one. Research the company and the ort as thoroughly as possible in advance of your interview so youre prepared to have an intelligent discussion about the position and the role it plays in the companys big picture. If you made the mistake of taking the interview cold, make sure you show that youve done your research when you follow up. Mention a recent press release or acquisition, or ask a question that shows that youve put some thought into how the position will play into the companys long-term goals. As Shukran explains, When you can connect your day to day to the bigger picture on an ongoing basis, its much more valuable compared to someone who is focused on the tasks associated with the job. If you blew an int erview with one of these common interview mistakes, take heart. Youre not alone, and the mistake can likely be fixed. And if it cant, youve learned a valuable lesson that will serve you well for future interviews. Dont give up, and youre bound to find the job that fits your life .
Friday, November 22, 2019
12 Ways to Scare Recruiters During a Job Interview
12 Ways to Scare Recruiters During a Job Interview12 Ways to Scare Recruiters During a Job Interview6The bewerberbewerbereinstellungsgesprch is probably the biggest, most defining moment in the job search. It is one of the big things every job seeker hopes to land. But, during a job interview, a lot can change. If you arent on your game, a few flubs can spell disaster if you cant recover quickly and effectively.Although there are numerous tips on what you need to do to be successful in an interview, there are fewer tips on what to avoid. We were inspired by a great article on Brazen, Recruiters Watch Out for These 5 Red Flags During the Interview, and wanted to add even more to the list. If you dont want to scare the recruiters during a job interview, it is best to avoid doing any of the below 12 actions.Here are 12 ways to scare recruiters during a job interview.Be late. Showing up late for a scheduled interview is a sure way to not get a callback. Ideally, you should be 10 to 15 mi nutes early.Seem uninformed. One of the biggest pet peeves for recruiters is applicants who have no clue what the job is about or what the company does.Dont listen. Its normal to be nervous during an interview. But if you are constantly having to readdress items already discussed, youre going to leave a bad impression.Dont ask questions. Most recruiters afford applicants the ability to ask questions. Dont show up empty-handed. Recruiters are human and cant cover every aspect of every job. Pay attention and ask questions of areas you feel are missing.Act unprofessional. Showing up in your jeans and flip-flops isnt going to cut it. Even in a relaxed corporate environment you should dress professionally. Recruiters dont appreciate sloppiness.Show little interest or enthusiasm. A person who is not interested in the job or the company during the interview process is going to be even less enthused when they are working there. If you are genially interested in the job, show it by asking qu estions and interacting with recruiters.Be too sales-like. While an interview is a great time to present your brand and sell yourself to the company, it is not good practice to be too sales-like. Leave the gimmicks and promotional statements at home, or the recruiters may decide you arent a product they are interested in.Act overly confident. If you cant get your ego through the door, recruiters arent only going to be scared of your behavior, they are going to be annoyed. And in a process where they are trying to find reasons to eliminate people, they will be more than willing to knock you down a peg or two by not offering you the job.Dont show proof of skills. Anyone can say they are great at many things, but unless you have proof to back up your claims, recruiters arent going to bite.Seem like you have a double life. On paper, you are the poster child of golden employees. Then recruiters check out your social media and get to meet you in person. When your personalities dont match up, the respect for your brand diminishes.Speak badly of a previous employer. Everyone at some point or another has worked in a job they would have rather not have worked in. Blasting these previous employers and coworkers on social media or in front of recruiters isnt going to win you any points.Dont say Thank you. Getting an interview and making it through fairly unscathed is like hitting a home run. BUT, if you forget to utter two simple words or at least follow up with an email, youll be sabotaging your efforts. A lack of respect and common courtesy can be a huge deal breaker.Making it to the interview stage in the job search is a huge feat. Dont ruin your chances of landing your dream job by making simple mistakes. If at all possible, prepare everything ahead of time so that you show up on time and looking professional with all the information you need. This way, you can show that you are the most interested and best person for the job.Readers, what other ways can you scare rec ruiters during an interview? Share with us below
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Terry Fox The man who ran 143 consecutive marathonson one leg
Terry Fox The man who ran 143 consecutive marathonson one legTerry Fox The man who ran 143 consecutive marathonson one legIn 1976, an 18-year-old was involved in a car accident. He got into a rear-end collision with a truck that completely wrecked his own car. Surprisingly, the young man got out of the accident without injuries.He only had a sore knee, which he thought was from the collision. But the pain didnt go away. He was an active basketball player in school and assumed the pain was caused by too much stress.But after the basketball season ended, the pain was still there, and he decided to visit a doctor. Four months after his accident, he was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma, a type of bone krebs that often starts in the knee and spreads quickly. The doctors immediately realized that his best chance of survival was to amputate his leg, followed by chemotherapy.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreOn 9 March 1977, five days after his diagnosis, doctors amputated his right leg 15 cm above the knee.Jeremy GilbertRunning 143 consecutive marathonsThe young mans name wasTerry Fox,and like any other 18-year-old, he was totally shocked when he heard that he had cancer at his age.With your whole life in front of you, its hard to imagine what such a diagnosis means. No matter how much emotional intelligence you have, its impossible to feel what Terry Fox felt those days.But he didnt dwell on his situation. He didnt become sour. In fact, a few weeks after the amputation, Terry Fox was already playing golf on an artificial leg with his father. But his cancer wasnt cured. After the surgery, he underwent chemotherapy for nearly 1,5 years.During that time, he saw how other cancer patients suffered- which made an impact on Fox. Inspired by Dick Traum, an amputee who had run the New York City Marathon, he decided to run across Canada to raise awareness for cancer.Thats how the Marathon of hope was born. After training for more than a year, Terry Fox began his nearly impossible feat on April 12, 1980 on the east coast of Canada.For 143 days, he ran a marathona day. Remember, Terry Fox was a cancer patient with one leg. He ran through rain, wind, storm, and pain.Even though he never finished his marathon, he did something that no one ever did. After 5,372 km (3,338 miles), cancer spread to his lungs and he was forced to stop on monat des herbstbeginns 1, 1980. Ten months later, 30 days before his 23rd birthday, Terry died.Confronting painWhat drove this man? Despite facing the biggest setback in life, terminal illness, Terry Fox did not give up. In fact, he doubled down on suffering. Instead of treating his pain, he made it worse.When I look at my own life, I look for something to soothe the pain at the least sign of it. Whether its physical or mental, we often look for something to treat our pain. We look for an escape.Instead, Terry looked for it. He saidI got satisfaction out of doing things that were difficult. It was an incredible feeling. The pain was there, but the pain didnt matter.Thats a whole different mindset. Most people have a negative association with difficulty. As soon as things get hard, they quit.But what if you changed your mindset?Instead of running away from hardship, you look for it. Ive been training myself to get more pleasure out of doing hard things. And Ive got to tell you, its not easy.Doing hard things really makes you realize why humanity runs from it. Comfort is easy. It requires 0 effort. It doesnt require a genius to understand that. But when were in the middle of something thats hard, we dont think about that. We look for the easy way out.Building a career, starting a business, working on a relationship, getting in shape, staying happy, learning a new language, moving to a different country, traveling the world, improving your skills- its all HARD.But that shouldnt hold you back. If you want to live your life without regrets, theres only one thing you can do Go all in.If you would die today? Would you be okay with that?Live each day like its your brde.Its a cliche you hear people use who claim they live in the moment. But its misunderstood. The idea is not toreallylive like its your last day.If we all did that, we wouldnt have a society.The Stoic philosopher Seneca wrote about it 2000 years ago.He said thatiftoday was really your last day, were you happy with what you did?Imagine its the end of the day, and you find out you would not wake up in the morning, would you be okay with that?If you do the things you always wanted to do, no matter how hard they are, your answer will be yes. Heres what Terry said about thatToday we got up at 400 am. As usual, it was tough. If I died, I would die happy because I was doing what I wanted to do. How many people could say that? I went out and did fifteen push-ups on the road and took off. I want to set an example that will never be f orgotten.The next time youre dealing with pain, think of Terry. That will help you to push through it.This article originally appeared on Darius Foroux.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
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